How do I factory reset the remote?

Not asking how to factory reset the RS150B; I already did that. That does not resolve this issue. I also rebooted, shut down, completely unplugged everything for several minutes, removed batteries for several minutes, etc. Numerous times. Also tried the Bluetooth pairing process several times without success.

I suspect I need to completely reset the remote; clear the memory on it or such.

This might be how to recreate this presumed bug too:
• Start the pairing process (remote to white, scan from RS150B, select remote).
• Do NOT select the remote ‘again’ under paired though (e.g. purposely stay in white status).
• Delete/unpair the remote while still in white (not gold) status.
Seems you can never pair the remote again if you make the same mistake as me (e.g. missing the final gold step).

In the video below the RS150B ‘sees’ the remote but it cannot pair with it. Note how the remote (in white pairing mode) flashes every time you try to pair it though. That flash indicates to me the RS150B is trying the handshake with the remote but the remote is refusing.

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I have the same problem.

Continue pressing the “ROSE RCU” a few times back to back. Even if an error message appears, re-insert the batteries & retry. Once the Remote appears on the left Side tap a few times (It will turn White from Orange).

Tried variations of this a few hundred times now without success. Pressing slow, pressing fast, and a pressing both slow/fast in a random fashion.

The remote stays in pairing mode (solid white) the entire time (until the remote times out at 60 seconds) but never appears on the left side of the RS150B.

I believe the remote is stuck at 50% paired waiting for the RS150B to complete the handshake. I suspect I disrupted the pairing flow when I mistakenly removed it from the RS150B while still in the white (50%) paired state.

Not readily finding anything about how to factory reset or clear the memory on the remote within the info below. If this functionality exists, it might be a combination of holding a different set of buttons on the remote.