How is one to know "Three dots"?

Rose Hardware is superb. RoseConnect is a riddle wrapped in an enigma. It is the 20th level of Dungeons and Dragons. Asgorath in the Forgotten Realms couldn’t figure it out.
It’s all in there somewhere…but where? I have asked for a software manual for some time but one hasn’t been forthcoming.
I haven’t seen a piece of software commercially sold (at least not in the last 60 years) that was sold without a manual. It’s Baduk on steroids. In order to expand the user base it’s absolutely critical to make the Rose System capabilities accessible to as many music enthusiasts as possible. Certainly one shouldn’t need to be a cryptographer to navigate the menus. I’m an Electrical Engineer Patent Attorney and have programmed everything from Cobol/Fortran through C++ to Python and even a little Assembly but there are decision trees in RoseConnect that I can’t figure out. I think George Boole would be confused.

So, how about this? Will HiFi Rose authorize a general call to members of this forum for members who will donate their time to create an internal Wiki of “How To” instructions for
the operation of RoseConnect?

I’ll donate the title (Three Dots?").
