How to contact the Forum's MODERATOR

@ROSEHAN Please contact this forum’s MODERATOR and notify that members who constantly troll and constantly take-over a track’s discussion should be DELETED as a member of this forum.

Permit me to request the moderator to Delete a troll permanently off this forum.

  • Hiding a troll’s posts help but its not enough because members will post their reaction as a reply to the troll. Outcome is these trolls cause many reaction posts which, in turn, consumes the track’s discussion, THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED.

The worse troll is “Boris”. Please delete his membership permanently.

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Hello @ROSEHAN please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to his opinion. Although Boris can often be a naughty boy, he provides solid technical information that helps members understand digital audio, as well as in my opinion poor practical advice (all streamers Do Not sound the same).
I assume we are all adults here and if you choose to be offended by what a stranger says to you on the internet then perhaps you should make better choices and just ignore.

Don’t look at the trombones, you’ll only encourage them :grinning:



I concur with deleting troublesome members. There is a clear subset of people who immediately descend to ad hominem attacks over most anything. That’s not really helpful. I think we’re in this to help each other to buy and use our HIFi equipment for the love and enjoyment of the hobby and specifically to help HiFi Rose succeed in the marketplace.

Nobody likes being verbally pummeled for what is perceived by a self appointed censor as something which the censor believes is wrongthink.



You can simply push the Ignore Button in the users profile.
then the users comments and all he does are permanently blocked from showing up when you scroll through Threads. I’ve done this long time ago.

Totally agreed with you that everyone has the right to speak here. This forum is a place for us to share ideas about HiFi Rose products and other audiophile interested subjects.

I can accept different opinions (whether agree or not) on how we treat and evaluate audiophile components, even though those opinions are subjective, negative, biased or by imaginations.

However, the way how we express our opinions here in this (and all other) forum should be on a basis of MUTUAL-RESPECT. And the arguments should be on the AUDIOPHILE SUBJECT MATTERS only.

I saw the guy who shows no respect to others. And often insults and attacks others who don’t agree with him.

Naughty? As you said, we are all adults here. He is not a three years old nor a boy as you defined him. He should be fully responsible for what he acts.

Your suggestion: “why can’t we just ignore him?”

May I ask why other members here have to bear with his impoliteness and insults?

If we all tolerate and ignore his “misbehaving”, are we not simply encouraging him to continue his rudeness and ad hominem attacks on everyone?

By no means to offend your right to express your opposition in response to @joyofmvid suggestion.

But what I said above are what I saw and experienced. I simply state the facts here.

If someone’s ad hominem attack attitude towards other members doesn’t change, I concur with deleting his membership permanently. This applies to us all.

Mutual-respect is a basic ground rule for all forums, isn’t it?

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Deleting the membership was of no help, they could just register a new one.
It never ends.

…and who will be the master of censoring and with what rules…?

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HiFi Rose Staff @ROSEHAN did ban someone with bad attitude towards other members before.
If there are a certain number of people (say 3 to 5) report to them about someone’s ad hominem attacks to other members, they could check and decide if the person should be banned from the forum or not.

That still serves a proper action. It’s better than doing nothing at all.

I don’t think people like BorisM care about this kind of warning…

So obviously you agreed that his attitude is rude and have seen him taking ad hominem attacks on other members.

Including you, there are 4 members in this thread found his behaviors disturbing already. In a way, @joyofmvid proposal is justified. Right?

so what?
I think kicking him out won’t stop this behavior at all, it might even exacerbate it.

And by the way, if you don’t like Boris, that’s your own business, don’t speak for me.
I just think that a member as persistent in responding as him cannot be stopped by expulsion.

You are right. My apology.
But I said what I said. This attitude shouldn’t be encouraged.

I firmly believe that banning our dear @BorisM is absolutely out of the question!

First of all, Boris shines the light of science upon various false claims that are based purely on the subjective feelings of participants. Let’s be honest—if people like Borya didn’t exist, we’d all be working in the cable industry, whose market cap would probably surpass that of Apple and Nvidia combined!

Secondly, Boris keeps a sharp eye on the behavior of participants, ensuring that everyone sticks together and follows the sacred rules of the Dutch rudder. Without his guidance, some members might start inserting cables into places they definitely shouldn’t and then asking each other how it feels.

And thirdly—humor! :laughing: I have never seen a forum with as many hilarious posts as Boris has contributed.

Come on, people, lighten up a little! Why do audiophiles take everything so seriously?

Just smile and enjoy the beautiful sound of your ROSE! :notes::blush:


AUDIOPHILE, n., A person who has no knowledge about anything but believes that his ignorant opinion is extremely important.

Should we respect flat-earhters, too?

You are entitled to your own opinions. You have no entitlement to post straight out lies and expecting not to ever be challenged on those.

Aww, our poor joyofmasturbation (mind you, a person who wants to plug I2S output into HDMI input and is amazed that it does not work; and does not own any Rose gear at that) does no like it when people point out that it has no clue? Tough. Maybe should not venture out into teh interwebs.

:thinking: Hmmm…

But… but… how would they be able to brag about having paid $5000 for something that does not even exist, like a “Cat7” cable?

You are kidding, right? :smiley:

This has always been my opinion and I have posted it dozens of times.


Up here, near me by the water, people say:

People like that have probably built too close to the water…
they are really whiny!

I don’t understand why people don’t “like” to be honest!

Is this world just full of hypocrites???

VIK :v:t2:

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Alas, no. It has been going for what… a year now about how it has a super-duper, almost as good as Trinnov surround toy (no, it’s not; it’s pretty good, but nothing special) and some rather cheezy but expensive speakers, and posting pilfered tutorials on how to use Rose gear correctly, but still does not have any – whatever it is trying to achieve (not that it had any) is impossible.

But one of the first demands was that Rose make I2S work to Anthem’s HDMI input :man_facepalming:

It was also told exactly what it needs to do to get Anthem working sort of OK for music, but it wasn’t expensive enough…

But it is a member of the same clique as unicycle, patricia etc. – enough money to buy mid-range gadgets but not enough sense to know what to buy. SO it gets very upset when anyone says that what it has could be replicated at about 1/10th the cost, and what it has is not exactly high-end either.