[Question 1]
I connected a Roon Nuc with my Rose 201 and don’t know how to make the connection to let Roon find my musical files which were stored in my Rose 201 (SSD) under the path \storage\ROSEDISK. Can you help?
Please execute of roon : Setting->Storage->Add Folder->Add network share
location : \[Rose’s IP address][connected USB folder name]
username : ID you set from ROSE RS201/150
password : PASSWORD you set from ROSE RS201/150
For this function, your SSD had to be enabled as Network folder.
For detailed, please refer this article.
[Question 2]
I still failed to let Roon see my SSD which kept within Rose RS201. The failed message was “Invalid path” see photo.
Enclosed are photos which may help you to find a solution.

All my music files are kept under the folder ROSEDISK (see photos) and in addition I attached a photo with regards to the network folder within ROSE RS201.
I hope these photos may help solving the problem. Thanks
There are 2 things to check.
- Path : smb:// (No “storage”)
- Make sure your setting of Network folder in RS201 : Setting “On” & “ID/Password” from Setting > System setting > Storage setting > SMB ID/PW Setting from your RS201
Hello! I have been thinking of purchasing a RS150 and I am a heavy Roon user as well. I have been scanning the HiFi Rose Community boards looking at problems and positive things current owners are experiencing with this units. How has your experience been? I had heard some things do not work with Roon, like all the VU Meters and things like that. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!