If USB audio out cable is connected analogue output is not working

if I connect external DAC via USB audio out, analogue XLR output stops. Can you please fix that it is possible to have connected both and both outputs work together? Or at least they can be physically connected and I can choose which output should play? Now I have to physically disconnect USB to have analogue outputs working.


I’m sorry but USB out and XLR out cannot be activated at the same time.
Even when they’re both connected to RS150B, you should be able to select one without disconnecting one of them physically.
RS150B > IN/OUT settings > Select one of outputs, you should be able to select what you want.
Doesn’t it change as you want?
Please let me know.

Thank you.

if USB is connected to my Legacy Audio Wavelet (Bohmer Audio) I’m not able to choose XLR out. It’s not working, I have to unplug USB cable. I’ve tested also McIntosh C2700 and there it’s working.
Can you please fix it?
Thank you


Do you mean that even when you touch XLR in IN/OUT settings, it doesn’t response?
If so, I’m sorry but would you try reboot and factory reset?
(RS150B > Settings > SystemSettings > Factory Reset)

Also, please let me know your ROSE ID.
(RS150B> Settings > SystemInfo > ROSE ID)
Thank you,