Impossible to use Qobuz

Yesterday I’ve updated my RS150 to 4.15 version.
First I had to reinstall the Qobuz App (due to the new apps policy), then I was able to connect to my Qobuz account.
Today, the Qobuz app doesn’t work anymore, I couldn’t access to search engine, the Qobuz suggested songs/albums/playlists, and my songs/albums/playlists…
I decided to logout/login, and now I’m not able to login anymore, I tried to login on the RS150 unit itself, the Rose Connect App for Windows or The Rose Connect app on Android, none of them was able to login.

The Android App allows me to login, I can go the authorization page, then the App crashes and no login information is stored on the RS150.

Please fix that, High def streaming is my main using of this RS150, I absolutely need it, I’m sure I’m not the only one.



UPDATE: for any unexpected reason, I’m now able to connect to my Qobuz account on my RS150.
But I can’t stream any music, the player is infinitely loading…
Is there any issue ?
For information, it looks not be on the Rose side, standalone Qobuz Service works well on the web, and Android app.

Same problem here-after the geniuses updated again yesterday!

Same here.
Please resolve the matter.
I need music!

Now suddenly my Qobuz is working again
Playlists are back

Mine is working again as well…strange…

Guess the issue was in the Rose servers and not in the app

Me too-working now. No idea what happened!

I confirm, it works now! We’re saved.

I think we all are dependent on the hifi rose servers.
If hifi rose will be out of business some day we will be doomed and all have a useless streamer I’m afraid.
So let’s hope rose will exist forever :slight_smile:

That’s right and a little bit scary!
I hope that Rose will never die, or if they do, they will publish a last version making us able to use the device without thirdparty servers needed.

It works again.

IT is a strange thing.

Dear Rose users

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

In this update, both Tidal and Qobuz apply a new login method according to the Tidal and Qobuz request, causing the inconvenience of having to log in again.

We will identify the cause and fix it. Recently, Tidal and Qobuz have changed their usage policies, causing various inconveniences.
We will discuss with Tidal and Qobuz to fix them to avoid inconveniences.

I am now joining the many who cannot log into Quobuz post update on my android phone/150. I get a message saying “log in success” but I am asked to log in again. My password is correct as I can log in on my laptop. What is the fix for this?

Tampoco puedo utilizar Qobuz en RS150 desde hace más de una semana y hoy sigue igual. Al intentar hacer login en el RS150 se queda con el botón gris y al intentarlo en la Aplicación Rose_Connect (Windows) dice que el token de autenticación Qobuz ha caducado y que lo renueve en el dispositivo Rose, lo cual es imposible. Puedo hacer login y usar Qobuz en la propia aplicación de Qobuz para windows, así que no es problema de mi cuenta. ¡Más de una semana sin poder escuchar música! Alguien se ha lucido bien está vez. Gracias.

Intenta con la applicación Android o IOS, yo solo pudé hacer login can esta applicación (Android para mi).
asegúrese de actualizar la aplicación y el RS150.

Muchas gracias. Probaré esa opción.