In Rose Connect Qobuz Playlist here is an option "To Add List". How does it work?

In the Rose Connect Qobuz Playlist there is an option which can be selected called “To Add List”.
How is it used and what does it do? I’ve tried to use it to select additional songs to add to a playlist but that doesn’t seem to work. I’ve tried to “add a list” and when a list is selected and I try to add it, I receive a message “Playlist Creation Failed”


Is the playlist public or private ?


Private. Does that make a difference?


Tbh, I’m not 100% sure if you are trying to add tracks from a public playlist to your own, or trying to create a playlist using your own tracks. Could you ping a screenshot ?

Are you using iPad or Mac or Windows…
I’m trying to find the To Add List option (RS130 + iPad) and is don’t see it anywhere

Same for me, IPad user

Private list.

Weird, I just created the same playlist on the Rose Connect ipad, no problems.
Sorry I can’t help you more StandardModel


I can create the playlist as well. What I can’t do is use the “To Add List” function.
Can you add a list of songs to the Best of '56 playlist or does this “To Add List” mean that if you click it, that when you click “Complete” after clicking “To Add List” that it will simply add the Best of '56 Playlist as one of your playlists? If so, that seems redundant to clicking “Complete”.
Perhaps it’s the latter in which case it works for me too because that’s all that happens. I thought that maybe you could add the contents of a previously created list into this list i.e., merge contents of another playlist list into this list which would be a great feature.

The top of my want list is the ability to place playlists in some sort of non-random order and search them.

The “To Add List” as I interpret its meaning would be my penultimate.


Hi StandardModel,
So I’ve been experimenting, and am able to add one playlist to another, which I have never tried before and is very handy.
If you go to “ My Playlists “ select the list you want to add to Capitol 56, select the plus symbol which will then bring up all your playlists.
Select the playlist you want to add too, Capitol 56. Then press complete.
If you should be able to go to “Discover “ , “ My Playlists “ and Capitol 56 should be there with the new list added.
I hope the above makes sense and I have not misunderstood, I’ve added pics for your reference.


Thanks for following up.
I do frequently add one Playlist to another that way. It works well except you don’t get the option to keep the original artwork. It always forces the most recent added Playlist artwork. I wish one had the option to keep the original artwork. That aside, it does work well.


True, would be nice to keep the original artwork. But since this morning my Qobuz account has been hacked, shoot me !!! Just hope I have not lost years of playlists and tracks. Qobuz AI bot is useless and I cannot speak with a human. Not happy.


My Tidal account has been hacked as well. I really hate this because I’m stuck with a favorites list and listening history of [c]Rap songs that are not my favorite.
I use a password manager with generated passwords that are unique and impossible to guess. I’ve been hacked for sure. Also my Visa account was taken and used so that had to be shut down as well.
You have my sympathies.


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