In RoseConnect for IOS How to add Albums

In RoseConnect for IOS-> Music Home-> The categories
Recommendation, Album, Classification, Folder are all empty.
The menu item Recently Played is populated with all of the recently played albums. The Menu item My Music shows only three albums and just a few songs. There should be hundreds.
How do I get albums/songs to be correctly added/listed?

Also, I have reviewed the YouTube video on how to add an album on the ROSEDISK SSD. You simply enclose the album songs in a folder named with the album name. Will this work in the ROSEDISK SSD with the Apple Music arrangement of file nesting as follows:
Artist->Album->Song ?



  1. When you see only 3 albums in RoseConnect iOS–>Music–>Music Home–>Recently played, click View all at the top right of the screen.
    Currently, sorting by recently played albums is not possible.

  2. I didn’t understand your second question. Please explain in a little detail.


Apple Music stores and sorts music files on a hard disk by nested directories. All Music is in a top level directory called Music. The next level directory is the performer’s name. Nested inside that directory is a sub directory for each album by that performer. Nested inside each album directory is each song on that performer’s album.
I see that Rose OS reads a directory as an album in the YouTube video.

What I was asking was will the Apple file arrangement on a disk I described above work with the Rose OS?

As to the first question, I will try a refresh.

Thank you for your assistance.



Every music streaming app is a little different.
In this part, we develop based on the API supported by music streaming apps.
There may be functional differences in this area.


I was referring only to the music stored on the internal SSD not specific apps. I’ve now tried the nested sub folders arrangement for music stored in my Rose devices for the internal SSD storage and it seems to work.
The specific method is top folder-> Artist, first sub-folder-> Album by that artist, second sub-folder-> Song by that artist.
