Incorrectly spelled words

In Rose Connect the word “Sended” is incorrect. The proper word is “Sent” .
The word order is reversed. It should read “Request Sent”.

Also, the word “Recieved” is incorrectly spelled. The proper spelling is “Received”.image|690x388

The word “Setting” is correctly spelled but it is incorrect as there are more than one thus the word should be “Settings”

The titles in RoseHome are incorrect.
They should be: RoseHome Home Favorites User Picks Friends

Below the Title the following should read:
“Friend Playlist” → “Friends’ Playlists”
“After all Friend Playlist is shown” → “After all Friends’ Playlists are shown”
“All Public Playlist” → " All Public Playlists"


We have forwarded your correction to the PC RoseConnect representative. We ask for your understanding even if it takes a little time.

Thank you

I’m not sure if this makes a difference, but I’m using a Mac Studio.