Install Tunein in the RS-150

Can you install TuneIn in the RS-150 which is an American radio hosting website?

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Sorry, currently no Tunein service for ROSE devices.

Ok, could you add it in the future ?

Sorry, we don’t have plan for Tunein service yet. We’ll let you know when plans for tune-in are added.

Will it just require a firmware upgrade ?

I can’t say for sure, but if a tune-in is added, it will most likely be updated via a software update.

Could you post it in your customer wish list ?

Of course, thank you for your suggestion.

I agree TuneIn should be added, is a basic feature on majority of other streamers.

Shame you can’t vote on certain suggestions showing how highly sought after a certain suggestion is. Providing you with valuable input on what should come first in the development lifecycle.

I agree also, TuneIn radio service is common used in almost any streaming device.
It is available as an Android app so I think it shouldn’t be this difficult to add it

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Yes please, tunein. Any streamer have this…