IOS playlist mark and change

Dear Rose Team!
Can mark in a playlist song which is being play (transporent grey)
Why does the playlist sequence disappear after clicking on any track in the list and scrolling to the next one?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I didn’t understand your symptoms exactly.
Please provide a more detailed explanation.

Dear Rose Team!
The sequence of my actions:

  1. Selected to play all songs
  2. I select from the list and click on any song and it plays
  3. Press the song forward sign

Pic 1 copy

After that the general play list gets lost while playing


If you select no.1 in your playlist, all songs in the playlist will be played in order.
If you press no.2, only the song you selected will be played.
Finally, if you press no.3, the next song saved in your queue will be played.

I will forward you a video.

Dear Rose Team!
Pls.inform E-mail I will send video with problem In Tidal.
Kind regards,


I will provide you with an email address to send a video of the problem you are having.