iPad app only works in landscape mode, please fix this. It needs to work in both standard and landscape orientations.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
As you said, only the iPad supports horizontal and vertical screens.
Does your iPad have auto-return mode enabled? If the RoseConnect app does not support horizontal and vertical screens even though it is enabled. Please try after turning off you iPad and turn on.
On my iPad the Rose Connect Premium app only works in landscape mode. It does not switch between landscape and vertical orientation. My settings are appropriately enabled.
Same here - only in landscape orientation
I have tried it on several iPads and it has only worked in lanscape mode.
Iām sorry for misrepresenting the content.
When using RoseConnect app, landscape and vertical functions are not supported.
iPad only supports landscape and other devices support only vertical mode.
Thank you
this is something that should be easily fixed and needs to be done.