iPadOS EA App Crash 5.02.74 (iPadOS 18.0 (22A5307i) Public Beta)

If Select „Remote“ (indicator is green), counts until 255 and then App crashes (most of the time):


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I’m not currently experiencing the same phenomenon as you.
If you delete and reinstall the RoseConnect app, will the same symptoms occur?
We will continue to see if the same symptoms occur.

Restart Router and Switches, Uninstall “Rose Early Access” and installed it again. After that, Rose 150b can not be found in the Rose Early Acces App. IP Search → “failed to connect to the device”. I do the same with the RoseConnect Premium App (Reinstall) the device is found immediatly:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-19 um 09.30.12
Network should be ok.
iPad and Rose are in the same Network subnet 192.168.1:
Remove iPad reistration on 150b:

start Rose EA app, connect successfull but now i have the same error as at the begining (Remote; counts until 255 → App crash)

Running beta (EA) on beta (iPADOS public beta) ? Thats not how software should be tested …

Thank you very much for this valuable tip :wink: @HerrSchurz :smiley:
I switched back to the productive version, to many problems with the EA Version (Crash, Radio App no list, no detailed track information hope this ist not de price for the fast scanspeed…)

With the prod version, i don’t have any problems