It's Time to create a HiFi Rose RS130 Plus

Create a new HiFi Rose RS130 Plus Transport to be more competitive (e.g., Lumin U2, etc):

  1. Add a second USB SFP port (one for RD160 DAC & one for RA720 USB Hub)

  2. Remove Internal SSD capability or improve Internal SSD power/design for better Sound Quality than UPNP/DLNA & RSA720 Hub - also permit 8K+ SSD

  3. Upgrade to support High Definition stereo, surround sound and 3D sound like Dolby Atmos, 360 Sony sound and Apple’s 3D sound

    • when the RS130’s HDMI port is connected on a preamp, permit video & audio to be bitstreamed

    • consider 5.1 / 7.1 surround sound & 5.1.x… Dolby Atmos/3D-audio to be bitstreamed via HDMI (ideally, permit user to toggle, via remote, HDMI port to be active as a bitstreamed port)

    • Each year since 2023, there’s more surround sound music & 3D music in both Streaming Services and Bluray/SACD discs.

  4. Upgrade Android OS to Android 14 which has much more audio/video capabilities - consider using both Linux OS & Android 14 OS

  5. Upgrade Initial Display selection to Playlists, Albums, Album Artists, Artists (ie, Song Artists), Music Videos, Songs (with Quick Jump to #, alphabet), etc - see Lumin’s & Eversolo’s User Interface

    • Permit user to create/edit/delete a Rose Playlist

    • On Playlist intial display, show all playlists (alphabetically) from all subscribed services, all Rose Playlists and all fn.m3u files in my NAS library disks

    • Permit user to define a NAS/Disk Folder as a Rose Playlist - in this case, RS130 creates a Rose Playlist with a shuffled playback order of the folder’s music files

    • Support YouTube’s Video Playlists and Music Playlists via the RoseTube User Interface (without need to go to my YouTube Account’s storage)

    • Support the mpg, mp4, mkv, vob File Formats for music videos

    • When showing a song’s title, do not show the disk# nor track# (show disk#/track# only when listing a specific album or playlist)

  6. Support display by Tag (ie, by Genre, Year, Decade, etc.) and multi-field tags (like the genre tag & song artist tag)

    • On all displays permit Quick Jump: by #,alphbet; by decade; and by prompted year
  7. Support creation/edit/deletion of Virtual Albums for Audio Cassettes/CD-Rs, Vinyl Records (Virtual Album to have a Side A & Side B), and Boxset (Virtual Album to have multiple Discs)

    • Virtual Albums has the same tags as standard albums (e.g., an Album Artist, Album Title, Album Genres,…)

    • On the Album display, only one Album Cover Art to be displayed per Virtual Album

    • If Album Cover Art is not in the file’s metadata then set the Album Cover Art to have a Music Icon on top with Album Artist & Album Title shown, under the icon, centered on separate lines

  8. Upgrade AV players to be top-of-the-line Hi Def players

  9. Support Amazon Music, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal

  10. Fully support gapless playback (including DSD gapless playback, if possible)

    • create setting “Native DSD to be bitstreamed? Yes No”
  11. Support Music Lyrics

  12. Support UPNP/DLNA with SMB2, SMB3 protocol support

  13. Support 5.1 YouTube

  14. Support IR Remotes & Control4 Remotes

  15. Support “Wake on LAN”



Those are all thoughtful excellent suggestions. They form a roadmap for the future success for HiFi Rose.
They also exemplify how the Rose software has fallen behind the much less expensive Chinese streamers which currently offer the listed features.
Let’s hope that your list is adopted by Rose. It took a year to speed up file indexing. I hope more resources will be devoted to software in 2025.



I totally agree with your comments.!

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I’ve update this topic’s first post to better qualify my request.


How about we suggest they just buy a copy of Roon and duplicate the features?


For ROSE this may be somewhat more expensive than using blue VU-meters from McIntosh :smiley:


As a former patent attorney, I hear you. Still, the functional features are not unique to Roon.


Something is wrong with the development of ROSE software. I think all software is developed by a third party developer and Citech has nothing to do with it. This is the weak point of our devices.

By the way, I had an interesting thought:

If the software had been developed and implemented flawlessly, we probably wouldn’t have been able to get our devices at such a reasonable price compared to competitors.

For example, before buying the RS 150B, I had a Lumin X1 at home—a compact streamer with a separate power supply. It sounded great, but not significantly better than the RS150B to justify spending an extra €8,000.

I chose the RS150B and have no regrets. Both the design and the sound quality matter to me. I believe that improving it further would require spending several thousand euros, and in the end, it might all just be Voodoo…

Moreover, I really appreciate being able to communicate directly with the developers here. Try doing that with another company—you’ll be waiting forever.

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I have always suspected that you are correct about the software being developed by a subcontractor.
Time for a new software subcontractor.
BTW I LOVE the hardware. It’s a great bargain.
OTOH “I got a great bargain on a coffin so I bought two.”
Still, it’s a lump of metal without good software.
