La reproducción de una canción vuelve al principio después de 1 minuto y 9 segundos

La reproducción de una canción vuelve al principio después de 1 minuto y 9 segundos


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The explanation is not clear, so please answer a few questions.

  1. You said that when you play a song, it returns to the beginning after 1 minute and 9 seconds. What music did you play? For example, Rosetube, Qobuz, Tidal, SSD storage music sources, etc.
  2. When all music sources are played, does it return to the beginning after 1 minute and 9 seconds? Or is it a specific sound source? If so, please tell us the title and artist of the specific sound source.
  3. If the Rosetube video is like that, please update it as follows.
    Rose device–>RoseStore–>Rosetube–>update

Con cualquier canción de la aplicación Rose, en el iMac , iPhone , cada vez que reproducción una canción , al cabo de 1 minuto 1 nueve segundos vuelve al principio, he detectado que solo carga ese tiempo la canción y después vuelve al principio

Se produce con cualquier fuente de musica


I have a few more questions.

  1. If you play music on your Rose device instead of playing it on an iMac or iPhone, will it only play for 1 minute or 1 minute and 30 seconds?
  2. What Rose device model do you use?
  3. What is the system version of your Rose device?
    Rose device–>Settings–>System settings–>System version information–>View details–>Rose OS
  4. Can you try deleting and reinstalling the RoseConnect app installed on iMac and iPhone?
  5. Does also Rosetube videos only play for 1 minute or 1 minute and 30 seconds?

Rose 150B, está instalada la última versión del Sofware

Tambien lo hace con los vídeos de YouTube , he desinstalado las aplicaciones y vuelto a instalar y sigue igual


I’m not sure if I understood correctly.

  1. Please let me know exactly which app’s music source is causing this symptom.
  2. Please try RS150b–>Settings–>System settings–>Factory reset and let me know what happens.

Ocurre con todas las fuentes de musica que utilizo, he restablecido a fábrica y sigue ocurriendo lo mismo .


If it is Qobuz or Tidal, please check as follows.

  1. RS150b–>Qobuz–>Human icon at the bottom left–>Settings–>Check that your account is logged in to Qobuz and that your account has not expired.
  2. RS150b–>Tidal–>Human icon at the bottom left–>Settings–>Check that your account is logged in to Tidal and that your account has not expired.
  3. Is RS150b–>Rosestore–>Rosetube up to the latest version? Is the version information displayed as
  4. Can music stored on an SSD or USB external hard drive be played for only 1 minute?

Please explain in detail, and if there is a video of the issue, please film it and send it to the email address below.