Listen to purchased albums on Qobuz without Qobuz subscription not possible?

Hello to the community,

today I updated to the latest version of the Rose OS (5.7) and installed the latest Qobuz app, signed in my account and should be ready to go.

Currently I don’t have any subscription of Qobuz but I have lots of albums in my account I payed for.

But every time when I want to play something from my purchases I only get the 30 seconds snippets.

When I play my bought content from Qobuz app on Macbook, I can stream the complete albums.

Is this behaviour normal?
Thanks alot.

I never bought anything from Qobuz, but generally for the purchased albums, you are supposed to download them. Which you probably did on the Mac so it can play downloaded files. Trying to stream without an active account won’t work.

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I was just wondering why my purchased stuff isnt playable through Qobuz app on Rose.
Otherwise I could push the content through roon, were i have my downloades files.

It’s not playable because without an active subscription Qobuz isn’t going to stream anything to you.

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Thats not correct.
As I told earlier, when I use the Qobuz app on Mac, iOs and iPadOs - with the same account - I can stream my purchased content… and that means, that the Qobuz app on Rose seems to handle things in another way… but why?