Local weather zones

Love my RS 250 its fast becoming a digital hub for me, I wonder if we could have more detailed weather zones.?


If you tell us the region of the country you want to add, we will add the region that can be added.

Thank you

I was hoping to get more cities in the UK

Also here in Germany, it will be nice to have (for me) also smaller cities like Diessen am Ammersee, Albstadt or Sigmaringen…

@DaiJon @burki

Please specify which city you would like to add. However, cities that are too small can be difficult to add. After we check the city you wrote down, we will add those that can be added.

Thank you


Diessen am Ammersee is not available to add and the rest has been added.

Thanks for adding the new cities!

Hi, can you ad also Ljubljana / Slovenia?

Hi, could you please add Haugesund / Norway

Hello @Felipe and @Hajans ,

Please check your streamer if they are updated.

Yes, Haugesund is added. :grinning: Thank you for your quick response :+1:

Hi, Roseloa

Thanks for fast reply, but still there is no weather site for Ljubljana / Slovenia.

Or is there something I have to do? Any update on my rs250?



Any chance to add Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada?

Hello @Felipe , sorry I updated again!

Hello @DoktorMabuse , updated Halifax!

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Kopervik / Norway would be great if you could add, thanks.


I’m sorry to tell you.
Kopervik is currently marked as an unavailable region on our servers.
If you tell us another region, we will check it and add it.

Thank you

Yeesss. Thanks.

Thanks very much!!! Appreciate it.

Could you please add Zwolle in The Netherlands?



I added a region Zwolle in Netherlands.
Please confirm.

Thank you