Local weather zones

Any chance to add Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada?

Hello @Felipe , sorry I updated again!

Hello @DoktorMabuse , updated Halifax!

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Kopervik / Norway would be great if you could add, thanks.


I’m sorry to tell you.
Kopervik is currently marked as an unavailable region on our servers.
If you tell us another region, we will check it and add it.

Thank you

Yeesss. Thanks.

Thanks very much!!! Appreciate it.

Could you please add Zwolle in The Netherlands?



I added a region Zwolle in Netherlands.
Please confirm.

Thank you

The town of Zwolle appeared in the list, thank you!

Could Dublin, Ireland be added?


I added a Dublin in Ireland.

Thank you

Guten Tag, ich bin stolzer Besitzer des neuen RS130, die nächste wählbare Stadt in meiner Region ist Essen, die immer noch 40km entfernt liegt. Könnt Ihr Dorsten hinzufügen?


Dorsten is updated. Please check in RS130.

Kann bitte 61273 Wehrheim in Deutschland auch hinzugefügt werden.


Please add Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. If you could add the capital cities for each of the 50 states it would probably be helpful to the majority of owners in the US.


61273 Wehrheim is a region not supported by our servers.

Virginia Beach has been added.

Das ist schade, da ja andere kleinere Städte auch erfasst sind.
Kann bitte geprüft werden, ob in Deutschland

  • Bad Homburg
  • Usingen
  • Neu-Anspach
  • Bitterfeld
  • Wolfen

erfasst werden?
Danke Rosehan.


All cities except Usingen have been added.

Perfect Rosehan!
Thank you very much, very helpful for me and the family :wink:

Could you please add Birkeland in Norway?
Also Kjevik (airport), Kristiansand and Lillesand?