Missing Rose apps in iPhone app version of Rose Premium connect

I could have sworn I used to see the following apps in the lower toolbar of Rose Premium Connect for iPhone 12:

  • Videos
  • Music

…but they are missing and don’t appear to be able to be installed. I use them all the time for movies/Audio files that reside on the internal SSD drive.

However, on the iPad Pro version of Rose Premium Connect, they ARE available and show in the toolbar.

How can I get those two important apps to re-appear on my iPhone 12?



Music and Video are basically installed apps, so they should be displayed on the screen, but there seems to be a problem.

Please answer a few questions.

  1. Can’t you see the Music and Video apps on your Rose device home screen?
  2. Can’t you see the Music and Video apps in Rose device–> Settings → Display → Edit Home Menu?
  3. Do you still have the same problem after resetting Rose device–> Settings → Display → Edit Home Menu by pressing Clear on the top right?
  4. Please delete and reinstall your RoseConnect premium app.

@ROSEHAN Choosing ‘clear’ on the Rose device under Display settings fixed the issue on the iPhone. Now the same menu app items on the Rose device are also present on the iPhones Rose Premium Connect app.

thank you


If you have any other problems, please let me know anytime.