Mobile app shows maximum 20 album tracks from NAS

I have a Hifi Rose 150 and I just discovered that if I have more than 20 tracks in a album on my NAS the Rose Android application version will only show track 01-20.
Very annoying and completly unacceptable.
I have a lot of albums containing more than 20 tracks.

Kind regards


I know what you’re talking about. If you click the View all button at the top right of the album, you can view all tracks in the album.

OK, thanks!
But it still is a problem when you create a playlist and add an album with more than 20 tracks to the playlist, only the first 20 tracks will be added.
You don’t want to check how many tracks an album contains when adding it to a playlist.
Best regards


Currently we are not experiencing any of the symptoms you have.
Please answer a few questions.

  1. What mobile model do you use when using the RoseConnect app? android or iOS
  2. Do you mean that if you add an album with more than 20 tracks to a playlist on the NAS, not all tracks will be added, but only 20 tracks?
  3. When adding a track to the playlist, the part where the track number appears can be modified, but will not be removed.


  1. I use a Samsung Galaxy A22 5G SM-A226B/DSN Android version 13 from 2023-11-29
  2. Yes. After selecting an album and View all I have to go back to the album view and choose “Add to playlist” and there I get a “List to be added(20)” that only contains 20 tracks
  3. Not a question
    Best regards