Multi-disk sets

It seems that the new EA version is not taking disk numbers into account when listing tracks in an album.

Rather lan listing them as

Disk 1 Track 1
Disk 1 Track 2
Disk 1 Track 3
Disk 2 Track 1
Disk 2 Track 2
Disk 2 Track 3

t’s listing them as

Disk 1 Track 1
Disk 2 Track 1
Disk 1 Track 2
Disk 2 Track 2
Disk 1 Track 3
Disk 2 Track 3


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I have forwarded the symptoms you are experiencing to the software representative.
They will check the symptoms and make corrections.


Please let me know in detail where this symptom appears when playing music.

If I select an album that consists of two or more cds then rather than listing all of the tracks on cd1 followed by all of the tracks on cd2 it shows the first track on each cd followed by the second and so on.


Please answer any additional questions.

  1. Normally, when an album is created, the data is divided into Disk1 Disk2 or CD1 CD2. After DB scanning, it is divided into CD1/CD2 within one album. Is it not divided into CD1/CD2 on your Rose device?

  2. Could you please send us the album in question to the email address below?
    If it is difficult to deliver, please capture the meta information for each track of each album and deliver it.


I’m away for a few days but will action this on my return.

This is how one of the albums shows in Roon

Apple Music explicitly shows cd1 and cd2

BUT this is how it shows in RoseConnect

and this is the file information for the first track on cd2 which shows as just the second track

The album is shown correctly if I useRoseConnect to access the Qobuz version.


I understood your problem.

Could you please forward the album in question to the email address below?
We need your album to make distinctions like Roon.


The album is around 1.67 Gigabytes so it’s much too big to fit in an email. I could try to upload it as a GoogleDoc if that would help.

The issue seems to affect many multi-disk albums, not just this one.



If you post it on GoogleDoc and send me the link, I will download it and check the album.

From your reply to the email I sent I understand that this very basic functionality just isn’t implemented in the IOS version but that it will be at some unspecified time in the future.

I really, really don’t know what to say.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We will add this feature as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Welcome back - I noticed the site had been down for a few days.


Hey Alan, @the_bat

This is - at least - a two year old problem with the Rose not recognising multi-disk albums as well as not recognising compilations which are tagged as ‘Various Artists’, but they show up on Rose Connect as albums by any of the artists featured in a compilation… not very helpful when you’re trying to look for a specific compilation album in your library…

All this has been flagged to our very helpful and kind guardians of this forum numerous times, but - I am afraid - there still is no progress, nor resolution. Frankly, I have very little hope that this will be ever resolved.

Of course, Roon users assure us that with Roon, which features a much more solid/reliable software and interface, none of this would show up/happen, but I am still puzzled on why a premium brand as Rose Hi-Fi should function with the aid of a music management subscription service such as Roon and not provide a flawless user experience by itself.

Thoughts anyone?

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I hadn’t realised this was a long standing bug. This is the sort of thing that should have been picked up and fixed very early in the development cycle, well before any public release. It makes a nonsense of chronologically ordered best of albums that span more than one cd, and it’s even worse for operas or musicals!