New Bug Report: Cannot delete Shares from iOS phone (only)

I have a reproducible issue where manually added Network folders, once added, cannot be removed/deleted from the Rose Premium app on iPhone iOS devices. There is no issue removing from iPad Pro iOS devices (or 150b hardware), however.

This occurs no matter where Network folders are added from (150b, iPad Pro, iPhone). It is only during their removal that issue is seen. Clicking the “X” does no operation.


I have forwarded this to the software team.
They will review it and make corrections.

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Thank you, I will circle back in 6 months on this issue


This symptom has been improved in the newly released version 5.7.34.

Please update your RoseConnect app to the latest version and check if the same symptom occurs.

It seems to be fixed now but response is in Korean. Even if I change language options to EN, close and re-start Rose Premium app, I see the Korean language when I attempt to delete the share.


I have forwarded this issue to the software developer.
They will review it and make a fix.

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