Notice Regarding Rosetube playback error

Hello, this is HiFi Rose.

Currently, there are intermittent playback errors when playing RoseTube due to changes in YouTube’s playback method.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this problem.

Our software team is currently trying to figure out the cause, and we will distribute the revised update as soon as possible.

As soon as the problem is resolved, we will inform you through additional notice.

Thank you


Hello, could you please describe this error in more detail?


Currently, there is an issue where some videos or Rose devices cannot be played on RoseTube.
As soon as the issue is resolved, we will inform you through additional notice.

Just now I wanted to play Qobuz and I was not logged in. So I logged in using Google, and Qobuz worked again. But then… I had to login in Rosetube again. And suddenly no video in Rosetube will play. It keeps repeating “private or personalised playlists can’t be cued” (losely translated).

I’ve had this more than usual since several days.

Is this due to the same problem?

I’ve been trying to play RoseTube on both an RS150B and an RS520 and neither of them will work. I just get the temporary error, try again later message.

Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

Currently, RoseTube videos cannot be played due to changes in YouTube policy.

We have identified the cause of the symptom and will make a correction by this Friday at the earliest.

Well, it’s Wednesday and it already fixed. Two days earlier. Well done Rose team. :grinning::+1:t2:

This reminds me of Star Trek, Scotty the engineer always exaggerating his repair times so he would always get praise from captain Kirk.

Anyway, with YouTube making life difficult you guys handled this really well. My compliments.

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