Organise albus in Qobus in the Rose 250


Two questions:

  1. I am a owner of the Rose 250.
    I play music using the Qobus app in the Rose.
    Question: i can not organise albums or artists by alphabethical order in the ‘internal’ Rose 250. But in the external app i can do dat. How to fix this?

  2. When i add an album to my favorites in the internal Qobus app, bij ‘liking’ (clicking on tje hart symbol), It does not dissapear when i ‘dislike’ the album (by clicking on the hart symbol again).
    This does work in the external app.

Hello @Marcel

  1. I’m sorry to tell you that currently, on Rose devices, you do not have the function to organize in My Playlist.

  2. Currently, the RoseConnect app is experiencing similar symptoms to yours. It will be fixed it in the next update.