Phase Invert setting on RS150B

I’m using the balanced outputs on the my 150B connected to a McIntosh 7200 MAC (4000 mv level on output). Phase Invert is set to OFF. Everything is working fine. I just looked at the contextual help in the MacOS Rose Connect App for the Phase Invert output setting (mouse over the ?, attached a screen shot too), and it states the following:
Off : Phase Invert off - European System
On : Phase Invert on - USA System

I am in the USA, so I would expect to have phase invert on according to the help message, but it’s turned off. Should this really be set to on in the USA?


To answer my own question:
Phase Invert should switch polarity on XLR pins (in the US pin 3 - positive, pin 2 negative, while in the EU it’s reversed). Should this be on or off in the US? Doesn’t matter as long as all XLR cables between the audio source and the speakers are set with the same polarity. I have one set of XLRs going from the RS150 to my amp, so I’m good.

This article details the history of XLR and goes in to this stuff in detail.

Finally, is there a manual that covers this setting? The only detailed manual I could find was one published about a year ago and it does not contain any documentation on this setting. Seems like this should be documented…

Hello @GWD55

For Phase On / Off, set it according to the XLR port you are using.
Even if you live in the US, you may be using a European product, so please check.

Thank you

I’ve been looking for this same information, but I don’t understand why you found it doesn’t matter. I’m using a Yamaha AS2200 with my RS150. The Yamaha also has a XLR phase selector. The switch would be set to Inverted in order to match the spec you posted - “US pin 3 - positive, pin 2 negative”. So I’m confused. And nothing I see from Rose shows which pin is hot in US vs EU mode.

Han, I need to know which RS150B XLR phase setting to use to achieve a hot #2 pin and a cold #3 pin.


If you press Settings in In/Out Settings, it will appear as a picture.
You can use it with Phase Invert Off.

Thank you

Hi there

I have the Rose 150B and a Macintosh MA352 - based in Australia so which Phase setting would I use?
Im confused :slight_smile:

Regards Barry


When I check the manual of Macintosh MA352, PIN2: HOT, PIN3: COLD are confirmed.
You can use it with Phase Invert Off.

Thank you

Thanks for the response it is appreciated.

Yes, I was misled by the name “USA system” in the beginning as well. Macintosh are made in the US. But it uses 2-hot, 3-cold pin configuration in its XLR. It’s confirmed from the manual of the C2700+C462:

Mcintosh XLR Polarity

So on the Rose, XLR for European System should be chosen if Macintosh is connected.

Frankly speaking, Rose should use a name such as XLR Option 1 (2-hot, 3-cold) and XLR Option 2 (2-cold, 3-hot), etc.

Then users just need to check the XLR pin configuration of its component in order to match with the one on the Rose. That would avoid confusion by the name of “European System” or “USA System”.

Since components made in the US (Macintosh) can choose to 2-hot config, and components made in the Europe could use a 2-cold config as well.

So naming XLR as “European System” or “USA System” simply creates confusions IMO.

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