Phone loses connection

At least ones a week my Rose and Phone forget that they are friends. This is very inconvenient because I have to reconnect them again. This means switching to wifi and then at least a couple of tries before out of the blue, with no changes, the rose pops up in de app.

I asked a question on here if adding a phone to the Rose is also for the RS250A. In the menu the option given in that topic is not available on my Rose

How can I solve this?

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I have a few questions for you.

  1. Your phone and RS250a are connected to the same Wi-Fi, but your phone cannot find RS250a?
  2. Your phone and RS250a are connected to the same Wi-Fi, but is your phone having trouble connecting to RS250a while in use?
  3. Is your phone Android or iPhone?
  4. Does the app crash when you press a certain button while using the RoseConnect app?
  1. When connecting they are on the same wifi. After the connection is made I switch the RS250a to ethernet for better input signal.
  2. Yes this happens about ones a week. The small remote in the top right corner of the Rose app is orange/red in this case.
  3. Android
  4. No crashes yet


I have an additional question.

  1. Please tell us your RS250a version information.
    RS250a–>Settings–>System info–>System version info
  2. Delete the RoseConnect Premium app installed on your Android phone and reinstall it.
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