Picture album cover

Hello. I have all my audio files stored in a Synology NAS and the streamer is able to read all of them.
But with several audio files, the album picture is not displayed (all the album pictures was displayed on my previous streamer)
Is somebody knows why the Rose app or Rose screen streamer doesn’t display some album pictures ?
Sometime the pictures are displayed on the streamer, but not on the Rose App (On ipad).
Very strange !


I know that the album cover doesn’t appear on the iPad, but it’s being fixed.

It seems that the album cover is not displayed on the Rose device, can I get the music that is not displayed?

Please send it to the email address below.

Thank you

I am having the same type of issue. I have downloaded music to the internal SSD and while it plays the music fine, it isn’t displaying the album art consistently. Even different tracks from the same album. See photos attached.


We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix. I have a few questions for you.

  1. Does the album cover of the music in the Rose device–>Music–>Folder–>SSD appear without problems? Does this only happen on recently played tracks?

  2. The album cover stored in the Rose device–>Music–>Folder–>SSD does not appear, but is the album cover visible when playing music?

Thank you

Not exactly the same issue than Jabewar77 because my music is stored on a NAS, but for information, all the pictures not displayed on my Ipad with the Rose app are displayed on my computer with Rose App for windows.


We will check the symptom and fix it.

Thank you