Podcast France update

I’d bought a RS250 and I discover functionnalities.

Regarding french podcast fron the national radio France Inter, I can see the podcast Affaires sensibles. But the most recent one is from August and not available. The same thing from the radio europe1 and the podcast Hondelatte raco’nte

Could you explain

Thank you

The problem also occurs for other podcast news.
There is no date update.


Open your smartphone and launch your browser.

Go to

Fill in or copy:
Sensible affairs

pressure viewfinder

click on rss

copy this link

on your smartphone, launch rose connect
go podcast +
copy the rss link here

Wait for confirmation.

When you receive a confirmation, you can search for and use this podcast
in your rs250.

If you have already subscribed to Affaires sensibles via rs 250
will prevent you from doing this twice.
Compare these two same podcasts.
You can continue to use the added podcast and remove it from hifirose.

Thanks a lot.
It is ok now

I also see podcast not updating but I couldn’t find where to add the rss feed on the rose connect app on my smart phone. Please advise if anyone has a solution. Thank you.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
RosePodcast is currently discontinued. Adding new channels or countries is difficult.