I am not sure to understand correctly your answer.
When I check the “pubdate” within the link I sent, I find quite up to date content (6th of July 2021, 7th of july 2021…)
When I load those podcast with another podcast reader (volumio as for an example) I have the full content loaded for all chanel (all episodes).
In Rose, the rare channels that loads something present partial contents…
I am not an expert in Podcast and the way to retreive the data and the episodes but if I take the example of “Les Odyssées”.
On the official webpage Les Odyssées : un podcast original France Inter you can see loads of contents, latest added on the 6th of July (you have the RSS link under the “S’abonner” button)
In Rose, nothing is loaded…
So either the technology used to retreive the contents is not compatible (please explain me which you are using) or there is an issue in the way Rose is loading the content.
I clearly understand that it might look as a particular and personnal issue but podcast are widely used and I cannot imagine to be the only one in this situation.