Possibility to disable unused tabs in the application

Give the option to disable unused tabs in the application. If I do not use, for example, Rose FM or Buga, I do not need them in the rose connect application


In addition to that: make the selected tabs sortable via drag and drop

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You can: go to “setting”, Display, Menu Edit/management -. unselect the options you do not want displayed.

To an extent they are, from setting, display,menu edit/management - the top of the screen shows your selected applications on the left, on the right are three bars, touch and drag those to the desired position.

I mean the rose connect apps, not the device menu. In the iOS version of the application, it is not possible to disable unused tabs

I don’t use Apple products. so I cannot give any advice, though the instrucitons I gave were for the Android version I am using on my Galaxy S7 tablet.