Power Cords for RS130

Try running thr RS130 to a RD160 via SFP . You will be in heaven . Everyone here who’s tried it has been either pleasantly surprised or completely blown away. Superior connections matter. In my system, which is highly resolving and sensitive , I’m getting closer to Nirvana. Yes , it is 1 and 0s, but isolation, power delivery, antivibration, clocking, and emi/rfi, are all real, highly variable factors and things that have profound effects on sound quality, especially as you climb the component ladder.

I’m 65 years old with tinnitis in both ears. I probably couldn’t hear the difference.

Maybe, i have tinnitus too, the SFP improvement at least for me and many others here, was highly noticeable and enjoyable. A new level of audio enjoyment , thrilling level of details.

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I don’t travel with idiots. Although I’ve had better equipment than you back when you were peeing your diapers.

130 is a step down from just sabout anything, including a $300 WIIM.

Yes, this is very noticeable, since “audiophile” is just a polite way of saying “has no education, and IQ below 80.”

I have a ton of SFP+ modules, where they belong – for running a 10G backbone. If you believe that an SFP module has a sound… well, we have already established that you were born, currently are, and will die an idiot.

On top of that, you are a laughable idiot, preening around about owning a (now, sonically they perform as well as anything in the $500+ price range, but that’s about it) totally pedestrian, middle-class Rose device, as if it were some kind of luxury good. Poor schlob, if you start at least taking a shower every day maybe you will actually see a rich person eventually.

You probably think Rolex makes luxury watches, too :rofl:

Why would you do that?! FraudioQuest is a cvompany that sells “CAT7 audiophile Ethernet” cables, something that simply does not exist. They are swindlers, that’s all.

Boris , again, please leave. This is a place for owners of RS130. You’re still on 250. You have no business discussing with adults and actual audiophiles. Your rs250 doesn’t have SFP so stop pretending. We already all know you’re lying. You dont have any ownership experience, so stop wasting everyone’s time .

It’s the internet, baby. If you don’t like something, you can crawl back to your kindergarten in the projects and make all the other kids envious telling them how your daddy got you both a hamburger AND fries from McDonalds last week. Even though you could only afford fries.

Imagine, saving for an RS-130 (which is, first of all, an absolutely pointless device, but also quite cheap) for a few years, and thinking that it makes you rich :rofl:

The cable cost twice as much as the RS130. Put that amount plus the $5000 you spent for the RS130 and you have a $15,000 streamer

The Firebird source costs 3000€ new in 1m and you can find it second hand for 2000€, certainly it is very expensive, but …

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Okay, your attitude is why you will always be a broke loser with an entry level system seething with jealously trying to make yourself feel better with your arguments about why your entry level equipment is just as good as top tier level stuff . lol. Most likely you are condemned to entry level equipment for the rest of your life. But again, you don’t own a RS130 or RD160, you don’t even have a SFP in your streamer, can’t afford any power cords we are discussing, you aren’t qualified to participate in this conversation. Youre basically the VW guy , trying to tell Porsche owners their cars suck . lol. See how asinine you look ? Please you don’t need to display your jealousy and insecurity for the whole world to see. Go back to RS250 forum.

Must be toufh, huffing and puffing so much to look rich, and nobody cares!

You probably wear a fake Rolex, too. And of course 130+160 and an SFP in a streamer, because you are very stupid and could not possibly know what does and does not make a difference. Probably never seen a car (from a distance, of course, if you come closer guards shoo you away) better than a Porsche either.

The more you repeat it the clearer it is that you re a poor sore loser who can only try to pretend to be something on the internet. And still fil, because you are too stupid and ignorant to even fake being rich.

Please come back when you actually own RS130 and RD160, not entry level RS250. There’s already good RS250 forum for you to participate . You don’t belong with higher level component discussion with actual owners .

Stop this crap now!

The VW guys in Germany would really kick someone like you.

You’re not just insulting people (especially @Boris) in a Rose forum, no, you’re going even further and insulting every VW driver.

Buy three truckloads full of SFP modules and two barges full of power cables if you get off on them.

That’s enough, but it’s enough.


I actually have owned 3 VW, and I personally love them . But I would never go into Porsche gathering and talk about 911 with bad attitude with actual owners .

Boris is a beginner with only entry level parts, he never actually tried or owned any of the technologies he is disparaging, only using his imagination . The other guys here actually own RS130 and RD160, so we are sharing our ownership experience . The beginners with entry level , simple systems don’t belong here, there is already RS250 forum available for them to socialize with same level experience and owmership of entry level .

If beginner like Boris wants to be here, they should at least acknowledge the fact they are beginner, with no experience, and don’t irritate actual owners trying to have productive conversations.

Imagine, being so stupid as to believe that 130 has a sound, let alone better sound that a 250 (or any $200 ESS-based DAC)!

You are too ignorant to realize it, but you are the guy who comes to Thrust SSC forum and claims that he had put racing stripes on his uncle’s 911 and now it is much faster than Thrust.

That you keep bleating about “experience” just shows that the 130 is a first HiFi (such as it is…) component that you have ever owned. And you only got it because you are too ignorant about audio.

Boris, you will never know because you will never own anything but basic entry level stuff . It’s beyond your understanding and comprehension kiddo. Now please go back to RS250 Forum, these subjects are beyond your pay grade and ownership experience. Once you have some real life experience, maybe we can take you seriously . Right now, your imagination is nothing more than fairy tales with asinine claims.

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Poor little insecure two-wheeler! Little baby is so upset that no one here is impressed with him having a fake Rolex, a rather useless streamer, and a decidedly mid-grade cheap DAC. How is he going to live with himself now!

Not that you could actually afford any of those, other than the fake Rolex, anyway. Quite obvious that the 130 is your daddy’s.

Lol that’s the best you can do? Now do something useful with your time so you might actually be able to afford these products you are so clearly obsessed with. You’re like a scorned women, hating on what you can’t have . Boris the entry-level scorned lady.

Boris = if you can’t afford it, hate on it . Now please go back to the forum suitable for your status and ownership experience- beginner. Grown adults are exchanging ownership knowledge with products that you have no real life experience or knowledge of. You’re imaginary theorizing isn’t even amusing to us, it’s worthless. Once you actually become an owner , come back and we might be interested in your experience.

Boris remind me of the neighbor or colleague who always wish bad on anyone doing better than him. He will be first one to key or damage your new car if it’s better than his, and he will be first one slander or say bad thing about anyone who is doing better. What a terrible way to live !


At lkeast projecting is one thing you are actually good at.

Ignoring for a moment that “audiophile” means “an idiot” it would be obvious to anyone with even mediocre intelligence that what you call “audiophile journey” means that if you lack sufficient education to understand how things work, you at least try and figure out which things do matter (speakers, room treatments…) and which ones do not (cables, digital-only transports, magic crystals).

With anyone else one might hope that one day you would be able to afford some real education and learn how things work. But in your case, neither will you ever have enough money, nor would any school do you any good, even if you won the lottery, because you just can’t fix stupid.

It is really embarrassing to watch you pretending to be “rich.” Whatever you have seen on TV isn’t really how rich people are, and in real life they never come near your trailer park. Or brag about buying decidedly inexpensive HiFI (I’d say something about speakers I have sitting in storage, and how much those cost, but I’m not like some low-life like you :slight_smile: )

You really should stick to polishing your fake Rolex and revving up your Honda Civic with racing stripes and a fart-can exhaust at stoplights, believing that those poor Porsche owners do not race you because they are afraid they’d lose.

Frankly, this discussion is hitting rock bottom, it feels like a schoolyard.
Boris what you are saying makes no sense, it pollutes the discussion threads and brings nothing to the community.
I understand that you want to have the last word, I hope Bicycle will have the wisdom not to raise it again.
Boris try to raise your level and stop this childishness.
Please, it is unbearable