Problem with music selection from ROSE app

I have a Rose RS 250 and after the latest update of my ROSE RS 250 was released, I noticed that if I select a music file inside one of the many music folders inside my HD / SSD directly from the ROSE RS250 problem but if I make the same selection from the APP, an absolutely random track starts playing on the ROSE and not the selected one!


This problem did not happen with the old Firmware of 2 previous releases …



I have a few questions.

  1. Which iPhone or Android phone do you use?
  2. Does random track starts to play, even if you RoseConnect app–>Settings–>Media Library–Rescan DB?

Thank you

  1. I have a iphone 13 mini
  2. I did what you requested but the problem remained.

I did what you requested but the problem remained.

I also add that with the latest app update to turn off my rose from the app I have to perform the shutdown procedure twice for it to work otherwise it stays on.

Yes I have similar problem. Starting playing a selected cd (Qobuz) after 3-5 songs Rose 150B is jumping to other earlier played songs. I can not listen all songs of the selected cd.

Hello @Hunter

When playing a song in an album in your folder, if you press and play a song, only the selected song is played in the queue. If you want to play all of the album’s songs, click the shape marked in red in the photo below and select the part you want to use.
- Add to the end of the queue : All the songs in the album goes to the end of the queue
- Empty the queue and add: All the songs in the queue is deleted and all the songs in the album is added
- Add to a direct play : All the songs in the album goes to the top and playes directly
- Add to play next: All the songs in the album is added below the current streaming music

Please check if the shuffle function is enabled on the song playback screen. When activated, the songs in the queue are played randomly.

Uploading: image mage.png…

Thank you

thank you very much for the help provided but unfortunately i think the problem is not clear enough in my explanation.

First of all I inform you that with the latest update of your APP released a few days ago the disconnection problem with my ROSE which occurred every 2-3 seconds has been solved but now there are some commands on the APP that I have to select twice if I want them to really work and the button you asked me to use (the one with 3 small dots to understand) and which allows you to select when to start the selected track, unfortunately DOES NOT WORK and the selection screen does not even open.

I have checked everything you have indicated to me on my iphone 13mini but as I said my problem is the following:

-I start my ROSE RS250.
-Start the App
-I select my ROSE internal SSD from the App.
-I open the folder containing my “music archive” and open the subfolder containing the type of music (Type “ANNI '80”)
-Inside the “ANNI’80” folder there are many folders of various artists of those years and at the end of these folders there are many audio tracks of various single artists.

At this point, if I select the music of an artist present inside a folder there is no problem, but if I select to listen to a song by an artist present immediately after the artists’ folders it happens that a random song starts, always present inside the folder. folder “YEARS 80” …

If, on the other hand, I search for the same song and select it DIRECTLY from the ROSE RS250, everything works regularly …

… I hope I have explained myself clearly enough to make you understand the problem …

Thanks for your help

Hello @Hunter

"At this point, if I select the music of an artist present inside a folder there is no problem, but if I select to listen to a song by an artist present immediately after the artists’ folders it happens that a random song starts, always present inside the folder. "

I don’t understand your explanation above. Can you send me a video of the process to give you a more accurate answer? If so, I think it will be helpful.
This is my email address.

Thank you

Of course, it sure is the best thing to do.
I just sent you the videos on your email!

Thanks for the help.


Does this symptom appear in other folders or albums?
There are special characters in the album, delete the special characters, scan the DB, and try playing again.

Thank you

  1. YES this problem exists in all folders where I perform the same type of operation.

  2. There are no special characters in any audio track.

  3. I have scanned the DB several times but the problem remains.

I want to point out that this problem was NOT present until about 2 previous updates of my ROSE in fact the test occurred after the updates :cold_sweat:.

Thanks for your support


Please confirm further.

  1. Is the latest version correct? (Rose device: 4.2.21 / RoseConnect: 4.05.44)

  2. When another song is playing, if you scroll down to the bottom of the full playback screen, the file information appears. Is it possible to get a picture of the capture on that screen? (Check path, etc.)

Thank you


selected track:

track that actually plays:

I should have sent you the requested information. Thanks for support


We also had similar symptoms. We will update after correction.

Thank you

very good! so i have to wait for the future update of the ROSE APP?


Yes, I did not receive the exact update schedule, but it will be updated soon.

Thank you

Thank you very much!
my problem has now been solved with your latest update!