Problems with Roon, since latest Update

Sice latest firmware update (, the following Roon issues appeared:

  1. The album image isn’t displayed in any case, regardless of streaming source (loca NASl, Qobuz, etc…)
  2. Starting songs, displays the progressbar on display (in seconds), but no sound provided, although connected DAC shows proper signal (92Khz/24Bit etc.).
    The Roon system is a Nucleus+ with latest firmware 2.0 (build 1490).

Can someone confirm these issues or has a solution?

I haven’t problems with Roon after update my RS150b.
My setup:
SSD 2TB with library installed in RS150b
Roon ROCK installed on Intel NUCi5
Everything connected to router by ethernet cables.

Everything works fine.


I had that issue sometimes - then a proper reboot of Roon and Rose got that fixed.
haven’t checked with the current FW Update.

My Roon doesn’t have problem with the update. As aswiss said, sometimes Roon server (not the RS130) needs to reboot when things get sluggish. Then everything works properly again.

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Hi TomT, after rebooting the whole sytem from scratch, this issue is past. TX so far… (Q still valid: why did it happen?)

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So glad to hear that.