Qobuz and Rose-Connect app


  1. There is a bug when displaying the Hi-Res symbol under Qobuz. If a track is manually skipped or random play is used, the symbol will randomly be incorrect or not displayed.

  2. The Rose-Connect app crashes if many songs or albums have been loaded into Qobuz for viewing. After the display of the tablet or smartphone switches off, the Rose Connect app closes itself. The latest app version is used - but the problem has existed since the device was purchased in July 2023.

Hope the problems can be solved.


Best regards



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please answer a few questions.

  1. Please tell us the model name of the mobile phone or tablet you use when using the RoseConnect app.
  2. Check if the same symptom appears even if you delete and re-download your RoseConnect app.
  3. I didn’t understand your first question. We would appreciate it if you could take a video showing the symptoms and send it to us.
  4. What is the model name of the Rose device you use?
  5. When you say a lot of songs in your second question, what is the approximate number of songs? And if you load a small number of songs, won’t it crash?