Hi, i am unable to receive the coupon code for the Qobuz free trial after many attempts, no joy, I get the same message every time, saying that the coupon code is exhausted.
can you please help?
Hi, i am unable to receive the coupon code for the Qobuz free trial after many attempts, no joy, I get the same message every time, saying that the coupon code is exhausted.
can you please help?
We have currently requested a coupon from Qobuz. We will send you the Qobuz coupon code as soon as we receive the coupon from Qobuz.
Please respond to my request below.
ROSE ID > (ROSE device > Settings > System Info > ROSE ID)
Your account for ROSE APP(or ROSE device)
ROSE model name (RS150B, RS250 or RS201)
Coupon to request (Roon/Qobuz)
Please send the above 4 answers to the email below.
information as requested,
not sure what info you need for ROSE APP or ROSE device.
many thanks.
many thanks for your help ,coupon received.