Qobuz Login Issue (RESOLVED)


Currently, there is an issue with logging in when updating the Qobuz app to the latest version from the App Store and Play Store. Qobuz has been implementing app updates reflecting enhanced security in the login process, but errors in the authentication process are causing disruptions in the smooth use of Qobuz.

Even for the ROSE product line where the new authentication method has already been applied, there are login issues at the moment. Qobuz is actively investigating and resolving the root cause, so if you can wait a bit, it should be possible to use the service normally.

For products using the old-fashioned simple login method (such as the old version app, PC app, and Roon, etc.), they are functioning correctly. However, the old login method has vulnerabilities, prompting a transition to a new method (OAuth), a change that Qobuz recommends for all products. The ROSE development team, in close collaboration with Qobuz, has already applied a more secure login method at the end of last year. Although there are still areas that need improvement, they are expected to be addressed and normalized soon.

ISSUE RESOLVED (Feb 9th, 19:55 - GMT+9)

I had this issue last night - Roon worked fine with Qobuz but couldn’t use Qobuz on device itself - all resolved this morning. Thank you for the update.

This is a Qobuz NOT Rose issue, I couldn’t login to Qobuz on my phone either.

It is resolved now.

There were a lot of problems with Kobuz yesterday.
They mainly occurred in the Rose Connect Mac OS application.
I had to reinstall the application, now everything works stably. Thanks for the info.

The Qobuz login issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

(Feb 9th, 19:55 - GMT+9)