Qobuz my favorites bug

Rose support or community,

If I try to heart a track in the rose connect app that is in the list of my favorites in Qobuz, the track will unheart itself in the Qobuz app. Any suggestions?

Also, can I control my RS 250 natively in the Qobuz app not utilizing Airplay?


Qobuz doesn’t disappear right away when unhearting from Favorite.
If you press Back on the Favorite screen and enter Favorite, the unhearted song disappears.
We will fix that issue.
And Qobuz’s own app does not allow to control RS250.

Thank you

Hello - I have hundreds of Qobuz “Favorites.” How do I see my Qobuz favorites in the Rose RS130 connect app? I can’t find it. I am logged in to Qobuz on the RS130. Thank you.

Hello rbielec1, I am using a RS130 and an iPad for Rose Connect. If I go to Qobuz (in Rose Connect) then My Qobuz I see 4 choices: My Favorites, Playlists, Purchases, Settings. If I select Favorites I will see artists, albums, and tracks that I favorited in Qobuz.
Hope this helps