Qobuz - My Playlist function

When I go to My Playlist in Qobuz and then select an album to play manually on my RS250 there are no songs listed. Is this normal ? But if I go

to My Favourites Album song titles are shown.
Why am I unable to see Album songs


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please check a few things.

  1. My playlist in Qobuz shows the playlists you added from Qobuz’s own app. Please check whether the songs in the album are displayed properly in Qobuz’s own app.
  2. If there are many albums in My Playlist, are the songs not displayed when you go to all albums?
  3. If the songs in the album are displayed normally in Qobuz’s own app, log out of your Qobuz account in Rose and log in again.

Hi Rosehan
I logged out on the RS 250 player. Then the only way I could log back in to Qobuz successful y was through my iPhone. Rose app.

When logging back in through the player it would confirm I am logged in but when going to the Qobuz icon to access Qobuz it told me that I needed to log back in ?

My question here is: “Can you not log in to Qobuz independently from iphone or iPad “

Currently Qobuz behaving !!

Thanks for your assistance


You can log in to Qobuz on your RS250, but it may not be smooth.
When logging into Qobuz, we recommend logging in through the RoseConnect app.