Qobuz playlist not seen after creation/additions

I use the Rose Premium Connect app to add songs from my logged in Qobuz account to a new playlist created through the Rose app. I then see a count of all my added songs on the new playlist from each additional add procedure.

When I go to view my Playlist with the Qobuz app under Qobuz > My Playlists, I don’t see my Playlist listed.

I do see one other earlier playlist listed (Red Young tunes) but where is my most newest Playlist (Hourglass)?

See two views from with in the Rose Premium app for reference.


I think you accessed the playlist in a slightly different way.
Did you access the playlist using the method below?
The method below does not check the playlist you created in your Rose account.
RoseConnect app–>Qobuz–>My Qobuz–>My playlist

To check the playlist you created in Rose, please check using the method below.
RoseConnect app–>Qobuz–>Qobuz Home–>Scroll down–>My playlist -->View all

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I see it now, thank you.

So any Playlist I create at Qobuz’ site will sync to Rose and be available via RoseConnect app–>Qobuz–>My Qobuz–>My playlist

but any Qobuz playlists created on Rose itself in the Qobuz app will not be available at Qobuz web site nor anywhere else but via RoseConnect app–>Qobuz–>Qobuz Home–>Scroll down–>My playlist -->View all…is that correct?

Is there a procedure where a Qobuz Playlist created on Rose app can sync to Qobuz account online?

Is there a procedure where a Rosetube playlist on Rose app can sync to users YouTube account?



Please refer to the link below.

Thanks I read through that link and after I pressed “synchronize” on the 150b, the sync was successful except for the playlist I created on the Rose Premium app (“Hourglass”). Although I can view/play it with the following path you supplied earlier (RoseConnect app–>Qobuz–>Qobuz Home–>Scroll down–>My playlist -->View all), this playlist did not sync to Qobuz Streaming service. Others that I have kept did (see screenshot of my Qobuz Library as seen in the Qobuz app).

What is it about that particular playlist that prevents it from sync’ng?

Try (Rose App) Settings…My Page…Playlists (there you can see, among other things, your All playlists) to sync the playlist that is not syncing from there.

You cannot sync an All playlist. Then only the titles from the streaming service or your own music will be synced.

So: e.g.

If you have songs from Tidal, Qobuz and your own music in an (All) playlist, you have a total of 4 playlists. 1. with the titles from Tidal. 2. with the titles from Qobuz. 3. with the titles from your own music. 4. (All) playlist.

Now play the playlist that is directly from Qobuz. A context menu should then open and RoseApp will ask in which direction you want to sync.

You guessed that Rose App does not sync Qobuz. Then you select in the context menu: from Qobuz to Rose

The prerequisite is: Sync in Rose App…Qubus…My Qobus…Settings…Synchronize

For me, when it didn’t work “sometimes”, syncing always worked great.

@Bonte Thomas, thanks the “ALL” aspect of my playlist clarified most everything about how this works re: sync.

Not sure what “ALL” really represents however. When you say “your own music”, this is still a muddy concept for me since these are not tracks that resides i.e. on my internal SSD drive or network location. All these examples for simplicity sake are Qobuz content.

With that said, how was/is an “ALL” playlist generated? Since this would not ever get sync’d to an available streaming service, I would be interested in avoiding this in the future.

I will show you my process for generating a playlist and what I thought is how I created the ‘missing’ ALL playlist entitled “Hourglass”

Step 1 - find a tune in Qobuz via the Rose app

Step 2 - click on ellipsis

Step 3 - “Add to Playlist”

Step 4 - “Add to (a NEW) Playlist”

*Note we can see my previously created “ALL” playlist HOURGLASS here.

Step 5 - Give it a new name ROSE > Qobuz TEST"

Step 6 - Sync everything

View results in Rose App

Note the new “ROSE > Qobuz TEST” playlist is a Qobuz playlist (not an “ALL” playlist)

  1. Given the playlist creation noted above, how did I end up with an “ALL” type playlist? None of the 39 songs in that playlist are anything other than a Qobuz song.

  2. Can I convert somehow to a Qobuz playlist?

Thank you

Your picture with the green question marks is whether you want to make your playlist public. You know that. Public means that others can listen to your playlist in Qobuz or Tidal. You can also make friends, but that’s another topic.

You did everything right.

Your 39 songs from Qobuz, that’s where you created the playlist.

The only explanation I can think of is that you were on another streaming service and added 1 song from Tidal or your own music to the 39 Qobuz songs, for example, and the Qobuz playlist became an all-playlist. That’s what happened to me too.

Then of course only the Qobuz songs are synchronized.

Just like I typed it above. It’s logical! You can’t add songs from other people to, let’s say, the original Qobuz playlist, whether in RoseApp Qobuz or the original app. That’s why there are always two playlists (see post above)

I’ll repeat myself: I know that you know all this, including that you already have all playlists.

What do you want to convert the playlist into??? I don’t quite understand!

That didn’t help you much here, I can’t explain it very well.

…and if by converting you mean that the 39 songs from Qobuz should become a Qobuz playlist again…

…create a new playlist (same name and put a 1 at the end so you don’t get confused at first). Open the All Qobuz playlist (35 titles) and add everything to the newly created playlist. You know how to do that. Then delete the Qobuz All playlist and rename the new one. In this example, you only need to delete the 1 at the end. Then you have an official Qobuz playlist.

Yeah the green question mark was just to toss a possible bread crumb to the forum community reading this thread as to whether this was the page that lets me set any kind of value to the kind of playlist it is (i.e. “ALL” vs another kind). I’m aware of the privacy implications.

Ok, but still curious why the “ALL” designation for the playlist. but perhaps to your musing further ahead…

…could be I guess (RoseTube though…I’m not a Tidal user), then perhaps I pulled the item out of the playlist but by this time, maybe the metadata was tattooed to the playlist thus forever setting it as “ALL”.

You essentially answered this in your next paragraph. Since “converting” it to an ‘all Qobuz’ playlist is now out of the question (see metadata item above), I will leverage the TEST playlist (definitely ‘Qobuz’ in Type) and add them one-by-one into it (6 steps x 39). I was kind of hoping there was an en masse way to select the entire set of 39 tracks and select my TEST playlist as a destination, but I can certainly do iteratively.

Thanks for the second set of eyes.

Yes there is.

Put all 39 tracks in the queue and go to the top of the queue and then click on…add to playlist. Select all…you know the rest. Select your (test) playlist and add it.


Nice! Thanks for all the help for this issue. Have a great day.

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