Without going into details, I would like to ask everyone who can to briefly share their opinions on the following questions:
Do you hear a difference in the sound quality of tracks purchased on Qobuz versus the same tracks streamed directly on Qobuz?
Can you distinguish or hear a difference between the same tracks (released by the same record label) on Tidal and Qobuz?
Can anyone finally answer the question: is there a difference in sound quality between an original CD, Tidal, Qobuz, and a purchased track on Qobuz?
In all cases, of course, we are assuming the same recording label.
In my case, my answer to the first two questions is a definite no. Although, a year ago, I felt there was a noticeable difference between purchased material and the quality of streaming services. Now, I simply can’t hear a difference—the quality seems identical across the board. It’s impossible to tell them apart.
Do you feel the same way? Has it always been like this, or am I imagining things? Or maybe our Hi-Fi ROSE devices reproduce audio so well that they eliminate these differences?
I invite everyone to share their opinions—preferably in a friendly manner!