RD160 pair with RS150B

Hi, is any one thinking to pair the RS150B to RD160, do u think is a good idea???

Definitely not. The RS150B doesn’t have fiber optic connection, which is key to good sound as in the setup between RS130 and RD160.


Good point, Thanks…

There’s not much point to it as the DAC in 150 is as good as 160. Optical connection is one thing though that will not have any effect at all, except on exceptionally gullible people.


Please don’t believe Boris, he only own entry level streamer, he has no experience with RD160. His streamer doesn’t even have fiber optic SFP capabilities, he’s just a beginner in this hobby giving out misinformation. Rd160 is far superior than any other DAC rose has right now , especially with RS130 SFP connection.

As Tom said, best course is use SFP connection with Rose dac and streamer, this will yield best results and latest technology .


I had the Rs150b and I borrowed 3 days the Rd160.

The 2 Dac are very different.

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Absolutely true . Anyone who has owned or spent significant time with both products would likely agree.

Did u pair it with your RS150B? is much better??

Don’t use big words that you do not understand. I know you like making a fool of yourself, but it gets boring for everyone else.

One can’t expect everybody to have enough education and/or intelligence to understand why SFPs and alike can not make any difference, some people do have to be dumber than others after all, but anyone claiming that these DACs are different, let alone very different had never compared them, they just stared at price tags.

No, I sold the Rs150b.

I use a Mac Mini and Audirvana/Qobuz

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Please if you don’t have any actual experience with the products we are discussing, go away. Your RS250 doesn’t have SFP. We don’t want to hear your imaginary guesses.

The only imaginary thing here is the effect of an SFP on sound quality. But you still need to have an IQ above 50 or so that yours is to understand that.

RS250 doesn’t have SFP. This has nothing to do with you broke, uneducated bum. Bye.

Of course they do not. Because it takes a special case of stupid to think that they have any bearing on sound quality.

Go back to your sandlot, maybe some kid will notice your fake Rolex.

  • Public Service Alert*

"Please ignore Boris. He is a well-known troll who only owns entry level equipment and lacks the experience and education of the products and technology he’s trying to discuss. His opinion is generally misleading. Do not engage with him. He is seeking attention. It is recommended to seek the opinions of actual product owners of the models discussed.”

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Don’t forget to tag Patricia, Tom Turkey, and Silicone Bimbo, and everyone else you think is as dumb as you, for visibility!

Bye broke, uneducated bum . You are officially on IGNORE.

Good for yo,. Don’t let the door kick you on the way out.

And wipe the keyboard before your daddy finds out you were drooling on it.

I agree, Don’t listen to Boris

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Sorry, this kindergarden here isn’t torable…

By the way: If the RD160 doesn’t have a galvanic isolation (ok, you can use something from Itona or so) in USB, i wouldn’t buy it btw. combine it with the RS150B.
My RS150 in the bedroom is combined with the Holo Audio Cyan 2 and I’m very satisfied, but let upsampling all source to DSD512.
It’s not far away from my main system, where I’m primarily using the Holo Audio May KTE in combination with HQPlayer.

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