RD160 Preamplifier Features

There has been a lot of info and even an in depth review on the upcoming RD160. One feature I cannot seem to find much info on is the preamplifier portion of the DAC. Is it purely analog from volume to output? Since the DAC portion is balanced I am assuming so is the volume control? Please fill in the blanks.

Hi Darberb,

Welcome to the community!

My guess is you need a seperate (pre) amp for volume control. If you’re a Roon user, their software had a built in volume controle. This works great if you have a set of active speakers, like I have.


It has a volume knob and is marketed as a DAC preamp so it definitely has some sort of volume control built into the actual unit. No one seems to know how it functions.


I didn’t understand your question correctly.
Could you please explain it again so I can understand it?

Just looking for clarification on how the Preamp or volume control is configured. Is it run in the digital domain or is it an analog volume control?


In the case of RD160, volume can be adjusted in the digital domain and is not an analog type.