Remote action indication

Currently, I have the option button configured on the remote to go to the RoseRadio app. it does this when pressed. When the button is pushed on the remote, there is no on screen indication that anything has occurred. The blank screen stays a blank screen. Please either display a message saying that RoseRadio is now active or preferably, just go back to the last station which was playing on the RoseRadio app.
A second issue is that if the meters are displayed, the remote ceases to work and I know of no way to fix this short of getting up and stopping their display.




I have a few questions for you to answer.

  1. Did you set the remote control favorite settings to Rose radio on your Rose device?
  2. If you set the remote control favorite settings to Rose radio, does it not go to the Rose radio screen when you press the option button on your remote control?
  3. If a pop-up message appears, please take a picture of the pop-up and send it to me.
  4. When the VU meter appears on the screen, does nothing happen when you press the Back button or the Home button on your remote control?


  1. Yes
  2. It does go to Rose Radio BUT whatever was displaying on the HDMI out video screen before the favorite button was pushed stays unchanged. It does not go to the Rose radio screen. There is no visual indication that a change has been made. This is why I suggested that pressing the Favorite button when it’s set on Rose Radio take you to the last station played.
  3. No pop up message appears
  4. Once the VU meters appear on the device screen, for all intents and purposes the remote is locked and the remote doesn’t function any longer (It may still turn the device on or off, I didn’t try that). The Back or Home buttons do nothing.


Hi @StandardModel and @ROSEHAN,

I just came across this post and checked it here on my 520.

My favorite button on the RC is also on RoseRadio and I get this display. Also the last stream I played plays immediately.

If you don’t like the main menu (display device), you can… (to stay with the RC) use the cursor keys to switch to the individual view of the Radio stream. (But they know that)

I’ll do the same thing again with Tidal on the favorite button.

If there’s anything else in the queue, let’s see if it plays automatically.

It’s not important to me because I actually do almost everything with the app.

Everything’s fine for me. :+1:t2:


This is on an RS130. The remote functions as I indicated. I have a 520 at another home. Very nice machine. I’m sure it functions as you indicate.


Do you think that there are differences with Rose…???

It may be that the radio app differs depending on the device, or it may not. I don’t have enough information.

Well, it may be, otherwise it would work for you too.


You would think that the software would be identical. It’s a good point. IDK. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.


Hello Ron,

that’s exactly what I meant.

I’m not a programmer and I’m just going by my “logical” common sense (and what I’ve read over the years) and thinking to myself, why should Rose do the RoseRadio app differently on the 130.

But I also believe that you’re not doing anything wrong and there will certainly be something different in the programming (software) for the 130, even if we all have 5.7.07.

I’ll put it in very simple words:

In the same operating system, there is always data that is for the respective device. My 520 doesn’t even recognize this data, which is for a 130, for example. It’s the same with the iPhone, for example: An iPhone 13 still gets the same update as my iPhone 15 Pro Max, but the iPhone 13 no longer has all the functions as the 15. It’s all embedded in the software update for the respective devices.

I hope my logic hasn’t completely failed!


We shall see what Rosehan has to say. He will enlighten us I’m sure.

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