Replay Gain setting in FLAC files

Hi to all,
All my ripped CD’s are FLAC format and contain replay gain settings, which allows me to play all CD’s on more or less the same volume level.
Does my RS150B can read these setting? How can I activate/deactivate them?

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Disappointing these posts don’t seem to garner any replies the system could really do with a normalization function. The queue system seems to take centre stage but with varying peaks across different sources coupled with troughs particularly in the case of vinyl rips it’s not ideal……spent some hours looking into some form of conversion but it doesn’t seem like a good idea meddling with the files; recognition of ReplayGain tags would be a terrific implementation.

@JOHNxxEIRE @Marc_62

I have forwarded this information to the software manager.
It is said that it is currently difficult for us to support ReplayGain.
We plan to gradually build up knowledge in this area.
We will let you know if this feature is added in the future.

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Excellent I’m glad you’ll be working on it! Definitely one to look forward to, seems fairly essential in these times.