Room Qbuz 3 month coupon

Trying to register for coupon for 2 mothe roon and three months qb,not much luck,very frustrating,rough translation to English,included owners manual very limited,just need a lot of luck and hours and hours of trial and error I guess


Have you ever requested Qobuz Coupons and Roon Coupons from us? If not,
Please let me know the followings below.

  1. ROSE ID > (ROSE device > Settings > System Info > ROSE ID)
  2. Your account for ROSE APP (or ROSE device)
  3. ROSE model name (RS150B, RS250 or RS201)
  4. Coupon to request (Roon/Qobuz)

The Owners Manual will be gradually revised.
We apologize for any inconvenience

Thank you

@ROSEHAN May I ask for one as well? I have recently purchased an RS250 that I am very happy with (well, except that RS250A was announced a few days later), but I haven’t seen anything about the coupon in the manual.


Please let me know the followings below.

  1. ROSE ID > (ROSE device > Settings > System Info > ROSE ID)
  2. Your account for ROSE APP (or ROSE device)
  3. ROSE model name (RS150B, RS250 or RS201)
  4. Coupon to request (Roon/Qobuz)

The Owners Manual will be gradually revised.
We apologize for any inconvenience

Thank you

@ROSEHAN Sent it in a private message, I hope. This forum software is a bit confusing :grinning:


I have sent you a coupon code

Thank you

@ROSEHAN Thank you very much!

@ROSEHAN in case of rs520, Can we get the coupon?


Yes, RS520 you can have Qobuz and Roon coupons like other Rose devices.
If you would like to have one, Please let me know the followings below.

ROSE ID > (ROSE device > Settings > System Info > ROSE ID)
Your account for ROSE APP (or ROSE device)
ROSE model name (RS150B, RS250, RS520, RS201)
Coupon to request (Roon/Qobuz)

Thank you

@ROSEHAN I’ve sent it in a private message, Thank you.


I also sent you a message, The Rose ID I am talking about is, RS520–>Settings–>System Info–>Rose ID,

Please find Rose ID, and let me know.
Thank you