Rose 150(A) not playing over BT from Alexa


I have Rose 150(a) that works quite good for me.
I am able to stream over bluetooth from my Samsung mobile phone, also through LDAC.
However, when I connect my Alexa home assistant to Rose over BT, it will remain silent and not play anything. When connecting my Alexa to a Bose BT speaker, it is able to stream through it. will appreciate your help testing our Amazon’s Alexa bluetooth with Rose 150.



Alexa home assistant cannot connect to our Hi-Fi Rose device.
As far as I know, Alexa home assistant connects via Wi-Fi, not BT connection.
However, we do not support Alexa devices.


Alexa can play through a bluetooth speaker.
I wanted to connect Rose 150 as a BT speaker for Alexa, that way I can play through my home stereo system. Using the Alexa app you can get Alexa assistant into pairing mode yet it won’t pair with Rose while it does pair with Bose BT speakers as an example.


We currently have no plans to support Alexa.

Rose devices use a Bluetooth profile that receives sound sources. Bluetooth profiles that transmit sound sources are not supported
So, if you want to use Bluetooth Speaker or Headphone, you must connect and use the Bluetooth transceiver.


Perhaps i didn’t explain myself,

Alexa can pair with a bluetooth speaker.
It sends its audio to a remote receiving speaker.

Trying to pair with Rose to act as a remote speaker, so that rose receives audio from Alexa fails to work.

Can you test this in your labs ?


I have forwarded your information to the software manager.

We currently have no plans to add Alexa.

Alexa is just another bluetooth player sending audio to a bluetooth speaker (Rose).
AFAIK, this scenario should be supported.

any updates ? its already more than 6 months


I was told by the software manager that adding Alexa would be difficult.

How is alexa as a player different than any other device that plays music through bluetooth to a speaker ?

Alexa plays amazon music, instead of playing on its internal speaker – it can pair with a bluetooth speaker and play to that speaker … is this the scenario the developers say is difficult to implement ?


This feature is difficult to implement on the development side.