Rose 150B as Streamer + Dac Only

I want to use Rose 150b as a streamer + Dac and input it into an analog control amplifier.
I am using balanced output cables for interconnects

How do I setup the Rose 150b as I don’t see any fixed output to preamplifier. Any suggestion or experience of using a similar setup is appreciated.


I rgupta,
Like you, I use the RS150b only as a streamer + Dac with the balanced output interconnects.
As you requested, I provided you the steps to follow to set outputs level fixed for good.

First, open the RoseConnect apps. And then

1- Click on the icon on the upper right corner
2- Click on the In/Out settings
3- Scroll down to the output sections and click on the cog wheel of the balanced and unbalanced output
4- Turn on the pre-out level settings and choose the level according to your preamp and prefs.

  • Notice that screenshots are from Windows app, it may change a bit on others OS, but very similar as I can see on my Ipad apps.

Hope this helps
Have fun with your streamer


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Thanks a lot. I will review it and let you know. Which preamp are you using


I’m in a home cinema set up that I also use for stereo listening. I own a Marantz AV7705 paired to Emotiva power amp XPA-DR2 and XPA-5 for other channels.

Have a good day,