ROSE 150B disconnects analog audio output

Hi community,
my ROSE150B stops playing music from any source after some minutes - I’ve tested with RoseFM, Spotify, SSD FLAC.
It seems that the device disconnects the analog output after some time. After restarting the device it will always play again.
SW Ver 4.19.04, OUTPUT=XLR unbalanced/balanced, PreOut level setting=ON, 2000mV, SW Volume Control=OFF.
At this price tag this bug is not acceptable - does anyone have similar experiences?



We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please check a few things.

  1. If the sound source stops during playback, does the VU meter move normally? Or is the VU meter stuck?
  2. When there is no sound, does the same symptom appear even if you adjust the volume or turn the MUTE function on/off?

thx for the quick response.
Both, VU meter keeps moving. and even disconnecting e.g. Spotify by changing to local and back to ROSE dose not change anything. Restarting the system will solve the issue - mute/unmute won’t change anything.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Lastly, please check a few things:

  1. Does the same symptom appear even after factory resetting your RS150b?
    RS150b–>Settings–>System settings–>Factory reset
    If the same symptoms appear even after factory resetting your RS150b, you will need to repair your RS150b or have us check it remotely.

Hi support,

factory reset did not solve the issue. After about 10 minutes audio playback disconnects, spotify is still playing/streaming from ios device.

Interestingly - after switching ios app to local and back to ROSE 150B playback the display on the Rose switches to VU meters but still audio and no VU meters movement.

Please support.


I would like to know your Rose ID.
RS150b–>Settings–>System info -->Rose ID

If this same symptom occurs again, click Remote debug immediately.
RS150b–>Settings–>System settings–>Remote debug
When you press Remote Debug, do not touch the device or turn off the power. Once we have your message, we will check it remotely.

Hi support,
ID is: 0D6D64


In that case, you need to replace the audio board of RS150b.
Contact the distributor in the country where you purchased the RS150b and request repairs.

Hi support,

this applies to the RS150B as well…as you mentioned the RS250a in your reply?!


That’s my mistake. I meant RS150b.