Rose 250A with KEF Q550 Pair

Hello community

I purchased my new speakers but unsure which cables and exactly how to connect them all together + I also bought a Sony PS-LX310BT Turntable Bluetooth Black Phono Pre-Amp Vinyl Record Player…

Any tips will be greatly appreciated so I don’t end up buying the wrong speaker cables.

Thank you very much

Rose 250A is not an amplifier, so you can’t connect speakers directly to the unit. You need an integrated amplifier between Rose and speakers.

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Aaah great! Will any amplifier do or is there a recommended model that work best with Rose 250?

Thanks again

Do not worry about working with Rose. You have to pair your amplifier with your speaker. It depends greatly on your budget and preferences. Rose will connect with any amplifier. I think this is beyond this forum, you shoud serch answers on KEF forum and see there what expirience other users share.


I have a R/S-250 connected to a Parasound Hint-6 and then connected to KEF R3 speakers and they sound fabulous. Also the Hint-6 has built in phono amp so you can bypass phono pre-amp. It also has built in DAC on Hint-6.

Roughly 3500 for the Integrated amp but it has solid reputation and has lots of connections.

Hope this helps.

I have an RS250A and I connect it to a PrimaLuna EVO 300 Hibrid integrated amplifier.