Rose Connect 4.5.1 Win/Mac

RoseConnect PC (Ver. 4.5.1) (Win/MAC)

Download for MAC

The link gives error 404

I want to install RoseConnect on a Macbook but can’t download the program for the Mac

Can you please solve this?

Hi, just FYI, these files are stored on Google Drive. which uses various security settings to prevent downloads by non-authorized users. In this case, the HiFi Rose folks need to adjust the permissions on these files so that they can be downloaded by anyone, which will probably involve them posting updated links as well. Or it COULD just be a bad link, but hopefully they will correct it either way since I
am looking to download that as well.

@altimac @Querner

A new version of RoseConnect Mac/Window will be released soon.

Thank you


I tried to download the Windows version of the RoseConnect from the Rose home page Support|Download tag, but never be successful and the browser gave no error message. Just no file downloaded. How can I do this? I am a owner of Rose 150B.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please refer to the link below.

Thank you! I can download and install in my Windows now!